Hydrau-Tech’s drainage design and scour mitigation team specializes in open channel hydraulics, watershed, river, and reservoir sedimentation, environmental river mechanics, river geomorphology, and environmental management of sedimentation. Hydrau-Tech engineers have conducted extensive studies in pier and abutment scour, local scour due to reservoir power intakes, river sedimentation, and effects of sediment movement on hydraulic structures.

Mr. London graduated from Colorado State University, Civil Engineering. He has three years of experience in hydraulic modeling and analysis. He has conducted laboratory modeling studies in performance testing and analysis of erosion control products such as articulated concrete blocks, geotextiles and hydro-mulch products. A variety of soil testing methods were directed by Mr. London that include plasticity, density, and grain size distribution analyses. At Hydrau-Tech, Inc. Mr. London works in land surveying, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, stream scour analysis and scour countermeasure selection and design. Mr. London has conducted over ten bridge hydraulic analysis throughout mountain and plains regions of Colorado, and has implemented his findings in engineering reports and formalized CAD drawings.

Mr. Sollenberger graduated from Colorado State University, Civil Engineering. He has four years of experience in hydraulic modeling and analysis. He has conducted laboratory modeling studies in performance testing and analysis of erosion control products such as articulated concrete blocks, turf-reinforcement mats, rolled erosion controlled products and soil analysis. Mr. Sollenberger has also worked on physical modeling of sediment transportation and scour analysis of river systems. At Hydrau-Tech, Inc. Mr. Sollenberger conducts land surveying, GIS analysis of topographic data, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, stream scour analysis and scour countermeasure selection and design. Mr. Sollenberger has conducted over forty bridge hydraulic analysis throughout mountain and plains regions of Colorado, and has implemented his findings in engineering reports and formalized CAD drawings.

Mr. Botelho is a geographic information systems specialist at Hydrau-Tech, and has been working in the fields of Restoration Ecology and Geographic Information Systems for the past 6 years. Mr. Botelho has successfully completed several projects, including the mapping of roadway water quality structures and analysis of Best Management Practices for effective treated areas. This mapping effort included compiling a GIS database for CDOT consisting of all municipal storm sewer system permanent water quality structure locations, corresponding treated areas, and all pertinent structure documentation. Additionally, Mr. Botelho utilized his expertise in database management to compile CDOT structure information and Drainage Reports to be easily accessed in a user-friendly Google Earth interface.

Mr. Liebman is an Engineering Technician with ten years of engineering technician and research experience in the areas of water resource planning and design. Mr. Liebman conducts hydraulic surveys at bridges and culverts for CDOT’s Plan of Action (POA) for Scour Critical Bridges project as well as for the 2013 Colorado Flood Response programs. Within one of these studies, the Big Thompson Canyon Walls 1-4 project, Mr. Liebman surveyed and inspected 6,000 feet of the Big Thompson River along US 36. Additionally, Mr. Liebman collects sediment samples from multiple locations around identified structures and conducts gravimetric analyses and contributes to the production of CDOT Drainage Reports. Mr. Liebman is in charge of maintaining and improving necessary field equipment to create a safe and efficient environment for hydraulic surveys and onsite inspections.

Mr. Bailey is a Hydraulic Engineer with over 35 years of experience in hydraulics, hydrology, river mechanics, and sedimentation. Prior to joining the Hydrau-Tech, Inc. team, he has conducted hundreds of bridge hydraulic design studies for the Wyoming Department of Transportation. In these studies, he used various numerical models, including FHWA WSPRO, FESWSM, BRI-STARS, WMS, and HYDRAIN. Mr. Bailey is the author of the FHWA CDS model for drainage studies. He also authored several numerical models to solve particular bridge hydraulics, culvert hydraulics, local scour, and reservoir/detention pond problems encountered in highway applications. Mr. Bailey is extremely familiar with FHWA hydraulics/hydrology procedures and served AASHTO (American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials) Committee in hydraulics/hydrology in preparing their Drainage Design Manual. He also served as reviewer in developing the FHWAs WSPRO, BRI-STARS, FESWMS, and WMS models for practical applications.

Dr. Gesumaria joined the Hydrau-Tech, Inc. team in 2015 as a CAD Manager where he is responsible for ensuring that engineering projects meet Hydrau-Tech’s CAD Quality Assurance Standards. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Colorado State University where he developed an intermediate CAD class for AutoCAD Civil 3D and Revit.

Mr. Hutton is a civil/structural engineer with 49 years of experience in the design and management of water resource projects involving dams, hydraulic structures, hydropower, pumping plants, and water conveyance facilities in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Middle East and the United States. His expertise includes preparing feasibility studies, designs, drawings, and specifications for RCC, gravity and arch dams, hydropower plants, pumping plants, pipelines, canals and hydraulic structures; performing dam safety inspections; conducting condition assessments of existing dams, hydropower facilities and water conveyance systems; developing designs for rehabilitation; technical review; failure mode analysis and risk assessment of large complex systems; project management and construction management.

Mr. Naylor is a transportation engineer with 28 years of consulting experience. Mr. Naylor worked as a roadway design engineer and project manager for CDOT Regions 6 and 1 for 27 years on a variety of highway, bridge, interchange and transit infrastructure projects. Projects he managed include: I 25 38th and Fox, Phases 2-4; Broadway Viaduct Replacement, Phases 1-3; Parker / 225 Interchange Reconstruction, Phases 1-4; Northwest Corridor EIS; C 470, I 70 and Rooney Road bridge replacement and ramp construction; SH 44 Over Platte River Bridge reconstruction; 120th Avenue Design-Build Project; C 470 Design-Build Project; and, many other minor projects. This work involved all aspects of the plan-development process: feasibility studies, the NEPA process, proposal review, consultant and in-house management, scoping, workhour estimating and negotiating, specification writing and review, plan checking, budgeting, coordinating and supporting construction personnel, value engineering, and design-build projects. He has a thorough knowledge of CDOT’s methods, approach, and organizational culture.